Data, code and supplementary materials for "The Early Learning of Interlingual Correspondence Rules in Receptive Multilingualism"

  • Jan Vanhove (441148)
Publication date
January 2015


<p>These are the supplementary materials for "The Early Learning of Interlingual Correspondence Rules in Receptive Multilingualism" (forthcoming): the data and R code used for the analyses, the scoring protocol, and the list of stimuli used in the training and test blocks.</p> <p>Feel free to your own analyses on these data, and please let me know if you spot an error or if you find something interesting.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>Description of variables</strong></p> <p>Subject: the participant's ID</p> <p>LearningCondition: Was the participant in the oe-u or in the ij-ei learning condition?</p> <p>Order: Were the stimuli presented in the same order as in the stimulus list (TestOrderA) or in the reverse order (TestOrderB)?</p> <p>Block: Was ...

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